Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year from our Families to Yours!

We are so very lucky to be able to do what we love every single day.  With ups and downs along the way, we have built a company that we love and are extremely proud of.  It is because of the love and patience from our families that we are truly able make this small business work.  Countless hours on the computer, working nearly every weekend of the year....just ask Susie and KJ....they both are incredibly supportive...even when they may not want to be :)

So not only do we thank you - our faithful clients who we also consider "family"....we say a huge thank you to our spouses and kiddos....  2013 is going to be a great year and we look forward to working with you and your families on your upcoming weddings, engagements, fabulous parties, family portraits and executive portraits.....

Happy New Year.....  Curt Littlecott and Stephanie Rounds

And now....a sneak peek into our personal lives so you can see our support system of family.....

Curt, Susie, Rosie (22 months) and Louie (3 1/2)

Stephanie, KJ and Isaac (10 months)

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